Google has upgrade search engine services. Now the Google search results page will immediately display the lyrics of the songs more quickly if a user is searching with keywords the title song.
Before the release of this feature, users must pass at least some steps to search for song lyrics. First, the user must type the title song whose lyrics you want to search.
Then, the Google search engine will show you which sites contain the lyrics. Lastly, the user must click one of these links.
Now, users do not need to click the search result link, instead Google will display the lyrics directly on the search page. To display the lyrics of the song in the search results, users can simply type the title song followed by the word "lyrics" behind it.
By displaying the lyrics of the song directly on the search page, at least users can save time without having to open a web page that contains the lyrics.
Google itself in cooperation with a company from Toronto, Canada, LyricFind, for this lyrics feature.
Cooperation between Google and LyricFind it says could be a source of additional income for musicians and publishers.
"Everything is based on usage. Royalties will be paid based on the number of lyrics you see. The more views, more publisher will paid," said CEO and co-founder of LyricFind Darryl Ballantyne.