Special message For Gatel Girls!

Have a friend who likes to eat your friends? Oh boy, tah danger. Invented the same new gebetan, might be the gebetan can ditikung so wrote. Danger, right? Therefore, Loopers, lest you either select friends. Well, in the Digital Video Loop Kepo this time, there is a special message for the gatel diluaran girls there who like to eat their own friends. What about the message?
Gatel specifically for girls!

Loop Digital Video Kepo this time titled Garukin Dong. In short this super video, you met the three friends. All three have an important message for the girls who like nikung friend just like that. Something like what the message of the three of them? Jump aja you watch short video here.LOOP KepoFor you who do not know LOOP Kepo, hmm you kebangetan deh, Loopers. So, after a successful diadain last year, LOOP Kepo coming soon with exciting competition for you, Loopers. This year, the theme of which was taken was The Story of Our Life with 3 different work categories, namely Digital Writing, Digital Video and Digital Music.Come along, Loopers! Besides dapet attractive prizes like Mac 13 "and iPhone 6, you also get a magic sciences from mentors kece know. Writing in the Digital category, you will be mentored same banner Pragiwaksono and Arief "Poconggg" Muhammad. Continue Raditya Dika and Sacha Stevenson will mementori Digital Video category, while the Digital Music category will be mentored each RAN and GAC.


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