Describe Distribution Software Requirement Engineering

To describe how the function of the system that is distributed in every node. It only takes on a distributed system.
Distribution processes in two or more nodes require closer observation of the pattern of inter-process communication within the system. To benefit more distribution requires work and careful planning.

Step - step Describe Distribution

1. Determining Network Configuration
To understand the configuration and network topology.
Capabilities and characteristics proseccor and devices as well as on a network topology will determine the nature and degree of likelihood in the distribution system.

Things to note:
1. The network topology (layout of the device), as well as its location.
2. Node node on the network, its configuration and capabilities. Configurations including hardware and software installed in each of nodes, number of processors, storage capacity, memory, swap, etc.
3. Bandwitdth
4. The existence of redundant networks.
5. Functionality on each node. Including:
6. Workstations used by the end user.
7. Server for each prosses happened. To simplify the configuration of the server, the server components are made "headless", in which there is no user interface.
8. Special configuration for development and testing.
9. Other specialized processors.
10. IP Design and trimmings (DNS, VPN, etc.).

The following diagram illustrates the Deployment View for the ATM machine.

The diagram illustrates two nodes, namely ATM and ATM Network Server which all connections between banks occurs.

2. Allocation process to the node.
To distribute the workload system.
The process should be allocated to the node so meninimalisir amount of traffic between networks.

Which must be considered:
1. Capacity Node.
2. Communication Media Bandwidth (bus).
3. Availability of hardware and communication links.
4. Redundancy and fault tolerance.
5. Time respone


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